Here are Some of Our Many Training Webinars
Dealing with Pricing Complexity

How much complexity is enough to boost pricing performance and results? And how much is too much for the organization to handle and execute? In this session, we explore how to strike the right balance.
Dynamic Price Segmentation

How do you build a price segmentation model that aligns to deal-by-deal price sensitivities while still being manageable? In this session, we illustrate why dynamic, attribute-based segmentation is best practice.
Pricing for Profitable Growth

As the clouds of uncertainty begin to part there will be a massive push for revenue growth and market expansion. The challenge for pricing teams is to support the growth imperative while protecting profit performance.
Leveraging Your Multidimensional Value

What are the dimensions of value that matter most to buyers? Which specific value drivers should you be prioritizing? And how do we incorporate them into our pricing and value propositions?
Golden Rules of B2B Pricing

B2B pricing has its own set of rules and governing principles...most of which you'll never find in a textbook. What are these "golden rules" and how you keep from breaking them?
The B2B Pricing Blueprint

In this webinar, we'll explore strategic insights and lessons learned from experienced professionals to build...or rebuild...highly effective B2B pricing functions based on today's best practices.
Driving Consistent Price Execution

Every B2B pricing team wants to ensure that their sales team is consistently applying the appropriate pricing levels and policies. How do you make it happen? What do you need to know?
Managing Risk in B2B Pricing

Whether real or perceived, it's always best to take a proactive approach to managing and mitigating risk in B2B pricing. In this session, learn how to mitigate pricing risks before they can manifest.
Communicating Value Over Price

How do you know whether your value messaging is good, bad, weak, or strong? And how do you ensure that the value of your offerings is being communicated as effectively as it really could and should be?
Aligning Pricing to Business Strategy

How do you ensure that your pricing and the overall business strategy are properly aligned? And what should you do when there's a disconnect?
Making Pricing More Responsive

How do we design our pricing models, systems, and processes to maximize ongoing responsiveness, flexibility, and agility? And how do we do it without sacrificing pricing quality and accuracy?
Earning Pricing a Seat At the Table

In this session, learn about bridging the gap between just executing the plans that are handed down to actually having a hand in developing those plans.
Price Promotions in B2B

For many, price promotions are a go-to tactic when it looks like revenue targets might be missed. What do we really need to know about price promotions in B2B to avoid costly mistakes?
Managing Successful Pricing Projects

Bringing new pricing initiatives to fruition in established B2B companies is rarely a cakewalk. So, how do we manage our pricing projects to maximize our odds of success and minimize the chance of failure?
Getting Control of Discounting

In B2B, discounting tend to be the norm rather than the exception. How do we make sure the discounts are appropriate and warranted? And how do we do it without alienating the sales team?
Working With "Bad" Pricing Data

In B2B, there are so many moving parts that always having a perfectly accurate and complete dataset just isn't very realistic. So we've got to figure out how to do the best we can with the data we've got.
Building the Right Pricing Habits

Our research has found that what sets true B2B pricing professionals apart is a powerful combination of ongoing behaviors and practices...habits that can be learned and developed over time.
Making Price Increases Stick

Rolling out a price increase is no guarantee that you'll actually get what you want. So how do you reduce the uncertainty and make your price increases "stick" to the degree you need?
Optimizing Pricing Operations

Over the last few years, most teams have changed their day-to-day operations quite a bit to deal with all of the challenges. So how do we make sense of this patchwork to make our operations more efficient and effective?
Neutralizing the Sales Team's Excuses

When sales reps fail to do what's expected, it's human nature to offer "explanations" beyond personal failing or expedience. Learn how Pricing can address the top "reasons" for poor price execution in the field.
Developing Pricing Leaders

How do we develop the next generation of pricing leaders? How do we equip our team members to take on more responsibility? And how do we do it all as a matter of course rather than as an afterthought?
Closing Costly Margin Leaks

In this recorded webinar session, we explore common margin leaks that can appear when the economy is roiling, your business is under intense pressure, and everyone has been scrambling to deal with the chaos.
Leveraging Price Testing

What do you need to know about the state of price testing in B2B environments? Which methods are best? And more importantly, how can you leverage these powerful concepts in your situation?
Pricing Configured Products

How do you price configured and customized products effectively? How do you ensure that your costs and margin minimums are covered? And how do you capture more of the value being delivered?
Anticipating Competitors' Pricing Moves

Your competitors' pricing actions (and reactions) add even more complexity to pricing. So what can you do to anticipate competitive moves and prevent them from spoiling your pricing efforts?
Building Pricing's Credibility with Sales

Sales often views Pricing with skepticism and doubt. And as a result, they disregard our suggestions and ignore our recommendations. What can we do to get them to see us as a trusted partner?
How To Deal With Inflation

With all that's been happening over the last few years, inflation was bound to catch up with us. So what should we be doing differently to deal with the rapid inflation we're seeing on so many fronts?
Pricing Through Uncertainty

As pricing pros, we're expected to make weighty decisions with imperfect information. How do we "illuminate" the landscape a bit? What steps can we take to reduce the ambiguity, uncertainty, and risk?
Improving Your Price Lists

For many, price lists are their primary means of delivering prices to the field. But because they are such blunt instruments, price lists are not ideal for price realization. So how do you improve performance using price lists?
Being An Internal Pricing Consultant

For pricing functions in B2B, frustration and conflict seem inevitable. But learn how a "consulting" mindset and approach can make driving improvement in B2B much easier...and far less frustrating.
B2B eCommerce Pricing Practices

Market dynamics have kicked B2B ecommerce trends into high gear. In this session, we dispel eight myths of B2B ecommerce and explore ten critical strategic pricing principles you'll want to embrace.
Getting Sales To Sell the Value

Your offerings deliver greater value. But at the slightest pushback from a buyer, your salespeople give in and start discounting that value away. In this webinar, we explore how to change this dynamic for good.
Delivering Data to Decision Makers

Providing data to decision-makers is a core responsibility for most pricing teams. But getting it right is a significant challenge. In this on-demand session, learn how leading teams are making their efforts in this area more effective.
Pricing Pilot Programs

How do you get your company to accept new pricing approaches while maximizing your odd of success? In this session, learn how to leverage pilot programs and in-market trials to accelerate your progress.
Pricing for Customer Lifetime Value

In B2B, retaining good customers over time is essential for survival. That's why Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) has become such an important metric. So what do B2B pricers really need to understand about CLV?
Price Segmentation Attributes

When developing a price segmentation model, it's not always easy to identify the attributes that matter most. In this session, we review core concepts, explore various attributes, and walk thru a basic development process.
Dealing with Price Exceptions

For many teams, their exception-handling processes are a significant and ongoing source of frustration and inefficiency. So how should you go about improving these critical processes?
Pricing Productivity Boosters

B2B pricing functions have never been overflowing with resources, money, or time. Nevertheless, most pricing teams are now being asked to do even more with even less. So how do we make the most of what we've got?
Essential Pricing Functions

While there's only one pricing title on the business card, there are actually many different "jobs within the job." And it isn't easy to do the right jobs, at the right times, and in the right ways.
Why Pricing Initiatives Fail

In B2B, some pricing initiatives just don’t work out as planned—they either struggle to produce worthwhile results or they fail outright. So, how do we avoid making the same mistakes that have derailed other initiatives?
Communicating Pricing Concepts

In this session, we discuss a variety of strategies, tactics, techniques for helping others in your organization understand "enough" about crucial pricing principles and practices so that you can do what needs to be done.
The Fundamentals of Multinational Pricing

Multinational expansion often brings a massive increase in pricing complexity. In this session, we discuss how to cut through the complexities, focus on the fundamentals, and drive big performance improvements.
Pricing Process Improvement

In this session, we discuss the critical differences between process types, how to use end-to-end process mapping for diagnostics and prioritization, pricing technology considerations, and common mistakes to avoid.
How to Price Big Deals

Big deals generate a lot of internal pressure and it's easy to ignore the huge pitfalls of winning "badly." In this session, we explore a triangulated pricing approach to ensure profitability, mitigate risk, and avoid future regret.
Getting Them to Pay More

How you get your customers to pay more without having to handhold every single transaction? In this session, learn how to influence willingness-to-pay consistently, systematically, and at-scale.
More Effective Cross-Functional Pricing

Pricing in a B2B environment is cross-functional by nature. In this on-demand webinar, learn about improving overall pricing performance by working more effectively with other groups and departments.
Delivering No-Brainer Pricing Guidance

While equipping sales reps with accurate pricing guidance is a priority for many, it's hard to get right. In this session, learn seven key ingredients to deliver guidance your salespeople will actually use.
Closing the Costliest Pricing Capability Gaps

In this session, we explore three pricing capability gaps that are still all-too-common considering their detrimental effects on pricing performance and highlight steps you can take to close the gaps once and for all.
From Tactical to Strategic Pricing

Some teams are so mired in tactical grunt work and daily firefights that they never make progress on strategic pursuits. How have other pricing teams transitioned into more strategic functions? What steps did they take?
Reducing Losses to "No Decision"

Studies have shown that companies can lose up to 40% of their forecasted deals to "no decision". In this on-demand webinar, learn strategic and tactical approaches for dealing with prospect inaction.
Promoting the Power of Pricing

In B2B, there are many other people affecting pricing outcomes, directly or indirectly. So how do you gain and maintain the organizational attention, support, and participation you need to drive improvement over time? It's easier than you may think!
The Fundamentals of Price Structure

In this on-demand webinar, we explore ten different approaches for structuring your prices to align to customer needs and priorities---from bundling, add-ons and multi-part prices to volume schedules, surcharges, and more.
Exposing the Secrets of Price Negotiation

How do you protect your margins when your sellers are so outmatched? How do you keep them from falling for every trick in the book? And what does your pricing team need to know to provide another layer of protection?
Reducing the Friction Between Sales & Pricing

Some amount of "friction" between Sales and Pricing is expected. Too much, however, is counter-productive. In this on-demand session, we discuss dozens of ways to address seven root-causes of friction and conflict between the Sales and Pricing functions.
"Better" Practices for Pricing Improvement

That lofty place of "best practice" can sometimes seem very far away. Fortunately, pricing has so much power that amazing results can be generated by just getting "better." In this webinar, learn how to adapt best practices in less than ideal situations.
The Fundamentals of Pricing Intelligence

In pricing, it's easy to feel like you're making decisions in a vacuum. But there are many powerful sources of pricing intelligence you can leverage. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to design and implement systems for tapping into those sources of intelligence and how best to respond.
Selling Your Pricing Initiative

Want to get your pricing initiative approved? In this on-demand webinar, learn how to structure and deliver your investment "case" in such a way that approval is almost a foregone conclusion.
Making Sense of Pricing Technology

Are pricing technologies all the same? Do the differences actually matter? What do we need? How do we choose? In this webinar, we cut thru the confusion to help you understand your options for technology-enabled pricing.
Tales from the Trenches in B2B Pricing

Pricing improvement in B2B can be a messy affair. In this on-demand webinar, glean insights from ten cautionary case studies so you don't repeat the same mistakes and miscalculations.
Boosting the Pricing Team's Influence

How can a B2B pricing team improve results when they don't control all the cooks in the kitchen? How can they be heard when others don't have to listen? In this session, learn the science of influence and persuasion.
The Fundamentals of Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing is like any other business practice in that most of the power comes from mastering the fundamentals. In this on-demand webinar, learn the core concepts and essential processes that generate the most bang for the buck.
How to Avoid Pricing Panic

How should you respond when something disruptive happens in your market? How do you avoid overreaction? How do you balance speedy action with smart action? And how do you prepare for the next disruption?
Better Product Management for Better Pricing

In this on-demand webinar, learn how leading pricing teams are influencing the pre-market decisions that can increase pricing pressure and limit the prices you can command in the market.
The Top "Lessons Learned" by Pricing Leaders

How have pricing leaders become leaders? What can their 20/20 hindsight teach us to streamline our own path? In this on-demand webinar, learn the top lessons gleaned through our research.
How to Structure Pricing Functions

The structure of your pricing function can have major ramifications for years to come. In this on-demand webinar, learn effective approaches and considerations for structuring your pricing organization.
The Fundamentals of Effective Subscription Pricing

With subscriptions, the first order is just a fraction of the business you hope to get over time. So how do you do get the pricing right? In this recorded webinar, learn the processes, practices, and measures that can boost subscription pricing effectiveness.
Developing a Winning Roadmap for Pricing

From our research, leading pricing functions go through key evolutionary phases in becoming more effective and strategic. In this 3-part training webinar, learn how to develop a roadmap that streamlines that evolution with a plan to be a more valuable and strategic function.
Avoiding the Top 10 Pricing Mistakes

You're going to make mistakes. But if you can avoid the biggest mistakes, you're definitely rigging the game in your favor. In this on-demand webinar, learn about the top 10 mistakes that other pricing groups have made along the way.
Managing Mix to Improve Pricing

Product and customer mix have an incredible amount of influence over every aspect of your performance. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to get proactive about "rigging" your mix to your advantage.
How to Retain Your Key Customers

When you lose business from existing accounts, the sales team must acquire even more new business to compensate. In this on-demand training session, learn how pricing analysis skills are ideal to identify and minimize revenue attrition and customer defection.
Managing Multichannel Pricing

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about market mapping, MAP policies, and other tactics and tips for minimizing the potential for channel conflict, reputational damage, and margin erosion.
How to Fight a Price War

In this on-demand webinar, learn strategies and tactics for preventing a price war, handling "dumb" competitors, de-escalating and avoiding provocative situations, and winning without actually fighting.
Profitable Pricing Enablement

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about the new "best practice" of leveraging data and technology to distribute pricing authority and control, without sacrificing improved pricing performance.
How to Hire Great Pricing People

How do you identify pricing candidates with the raw materials to be most successful? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn the most important attributes you should be looking for when building your team.
Revamping Sales Comp to Improve Pricing

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about the pros and cons of various approaches for infusing pricing performance into your sales compensation plan to reduce unnecessary discounting and boost profitability.
Pricing Psychology in B2B

While businesses do indeed have systems and policies to ensure greater rationality and consideration in purchasing, certain psychological factors can still have tremendous influence over price perceptions.
All About Price Optimization

The term "price optimization" is being thrown around with such abandon these days that confusion, rather than clarity, is the more likely result. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn what price optimization really is and how it works.
Assessing Your Pricing Capabilities

While you might think your pricing capabilities are pretty good, how do you really know? How can you tell? In this on-demand webinar, learn how to leverage "3 P" assessments to figure out where you're at and where you need to improve.
Crucial B2B Pricing Concepts

Pricing in a B2B environment is very different from pricing in consumer or retail settings. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about 12 ways B2B pricing is unique and 6 core pricing concepts that every B2B pricing person needs to understand inside and out.
Advancing Your Career in Pricing

There's never been a better time to be a B2B pricing professional. But when it comes to your career, you can’t just hope that good things will happen in the future. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to take charge and make good things happen.
5 Pricing Trends You Can't Afford to Ignore

From our unique vantage point, we've identified a number of larger trends that pricing teams need to be prepared for. In this on-demand webinar, we explore five of these trends and discuss the implications and ramifications.
Using Pricing Analysis to Drive More Growth

Pricing analysis capabilities are usually only focused on pricing. But pricing isn't the only thing the analytical processes and underlying data can be used for. In this on-demand webinar, you will learn how answering other powerful questions can increase your impact and internal profile.
How to Combat Competitive Pricing Pressure

What's the best way to manage competitive pricing pressure? In this 4-part training webinar, we share 20 strategies and tactics leading pricing teams are using to anticipate competitive moves, minimize their impact, and respond more effectively.
Diagnosing Pricing Problems

When companies stop at a default diagnosis of, “Something’s wrong with the pricing,” they never identify and fix the true root-causes of the issues. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to identify the real root-causes behind pricing performance issues.
Building a Better Bid Desk

Large bids and quotes can have huge impacts on everything from revenue and profit to capacity utilization and strategic positioning. In this on-demand training session, learn strategies and tactics for improving the effectiveness of your bid desk.
Building a Pricing Center of Excellence

Experts have long argued that centralized pricing is the ideal model for driving performance improvement. But these days, companies are finding success taking a different approach---the Pricing Center of Excellence.
The Pricing Practitioner's Primer on B2B Sales

To be most effective in B2B environments, pricing professionals need to learn as much as they can about their sales function. In this on-demand webinar, learn more about aspects of sales people and processes that can affect pricing performance.
The Pros & Cons of B2B Pricing Strategies

The conventional wisdom around pricing strategy often fails to make clear that some of the "standard" options are extremely dangerous in B2B environments! In this on-demand webinar, learn which pricing strategies actually work...and which ones will destroy your margins.
Powerhouse Pricing Teams

In B2B, dedicated pricing teams are still a relatively new development. And as such, there are no long-standing rules for how everything should work. In this on-demand webinar, explore the common traits, characteristics, and behaviors of successful pricing teams that have been around longer than most.
Making Change Happen

How do you get executives to recognize a need for change? How do you get an organization to move away from the status quo and actually embrace doing things differently? How do you foster true adoption, as opposed to merely forced compliance?
How to Defend Your Prices

In B2B environments, you're sometimes facing a battle on two fronts: With customers and prospects, and with others inside your own company. In this on-demand webinar, learn about effective strategies and tactics for defending your prices internally and externally.
The Fundamentals of Effective Pricing Analysis

In this on-demand training webinar, we share the fundamental concepts and principles behind effective pricing analysis, expose the critical building blocks that need to be in-place, and walk through a basic pricing analysis example to pull everything together.
Generating More Sales from Existing Customers

Many B2B companies struggle to identify untapped sales opportunities and maximize revenue from the customers they've already acquired. In this four-part recorded training session, learn what leading sales operations are doing differently to grow share-of-wallet with existing customers.
Identifying & Capturing Profitable "Quick Wins"

It’s always good to have a few simple strategies close at hand for boosting margin dollars without having to expend a lot of time, effort, or money. In this three-part recorded training session, we discuss and explain 15 "quick win" strategies and tactics that have proven effective for others.
How to Price New Products

In this on-demand webinar, learn about three common types of new products that pricing teams are likely to encounter, and explore the core strategies and processes for dealing with the realities associated with them. Hint: "Best practice" is not always realistic.
Survival Strategies for Raising Prices

In this on-demand training seminar, learn why some B2B companies struggle with price increases while others are able to do it with far less pain and angst. What are leading companies doing differently to execute price increases with far less risk, conflict, and uncertainty?
The Fundamentals of Price Segmentation

In this recorded training seminar, we explain the concept of price segmentation and why it's such a powerful and important tool. We explore the essential process and even walk through a step-by-step exercise, building an example price segmentation model from scratch.
Effective Pricing Through the Product Lifecycle

This on-demand training seminar explores the conventional wisdom around lifecycle pricing, highlights some major flaws, and reveals what leading pricing groups are doing differently to price effectively throughout the product lifecycle.
Business-to-Business Price Elasticity

In this recorded training session, we explain the fundamentals of price elasticity in straightforward terms, explore the various principles involved, and provides valuable tips and insights to help you get started toward leveraging this most powerful measure in B2B pricing.
Marketing Pricing Initiatives for Success

Pricing initiatives often require buy-in from multiple departments just to get off the ground. In this on-demand training seminar, learn the essential marketing process for securing and maintaining internal buy-in and support for your pricing projects and initiatives.
Pricing Services to Customer Value

When you’re selling services or project work, it can be challenging to get customers to focus on the value being delivered or exchanged. In this recorded training seminar, learn how to improve revenue and margins when your offering is largely intangible.
Getting Your Salespeople to Price Better

Chances are, the behavior of your salespeople will ultimately determine whether your pricing strategies are effective or not. In this on-demand training seminar, learn proven approaches and strategies for getting your sales team to price and discount far more effectively.
Proving the Value of the Pricing Function

Executives understand the value of functions like sales, marketing, and finance---but pricing often has to justify their very existence, over and over again. In this recorded training seminar, learn how to demonstrate the results and metrics that can earn you a seat at the big table.
Getting the Most Out of Price Segmentation

The process of building or improving a price segmentation model can seem like a daunting task. In this on-demand training seminar, we discuss best practices and straightforward techniques for improving the quality and accuracy of your price segmentation model.
Navigating the Pricing Technology Landscape

Given the pace of change, it’s increasingly difficult to keep track of the various pricing technologies and what they’re best used for. In this recorded training seminar, we discuss the latest trends and developments and how different types of solutions compare.
The Essence of Strategic Pricing

It's easy to fill your to-do list with all sorts of tactical pricing tasks. But if you're only focusing on those, it's hard to generate significant results. View this recorded training seminar and learn about tackling the most powerful and effective aspects of real strategic pricing.
There's More to Profit Than Price

For many pricing teams, expanding their perspectives from "pricing" to "profitability" is the key to maximizing effectiveness. In this on-demand training session, we expose and explore five of the other powerful growth levers that really matter in B2B environments.
Breaking Out of Your Pricing "Box"

Effective pricing in B2B often requires coordination between marketing, sales, product management, and even accounting. This on-demand training session exposes how to influence the other departments that can make or break your pricing efforts.