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Identifying and Capturing Profitable “Quick Wins”

Strategies and Tactics for Generating Rapid Results Without a Lot of Effort or Expense

It’s always good to have a few simple strategies close at hand that are effective at boosting margin dollars without a ton of time or budget. In this 3-part recorded training session discussing 15 of these "quick win" strategies and tactics, you will learn about:

  • Why combinations of smaller improvements can generate big results and help your career.
  • 5 strategies for changing how your salespeople determine price levels and develop quotes.
  • 6 approaches for tweaking "back-end" elements that have a negative effect on your margins.
  • 4 improvements that can ultimately generate a much more profitable mix of business.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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