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Spotlight on the B2B Pricing Organization

Gain New Insights into What Other Pricing Departments are Doing and Where to Focus Your Efforts

The Pricing Organization Benchmark Report shines light on the composition, perspectives, and priorities of dedicated pricing groups in leading B2B companies. With data gathered from companies that represent over $300 billion in revenue across 19 industries, here's some of what's covered:

  • Typical sizes of pricing organizations and the industries where dedicated pricing teams are most common.
  • Adoption of pricing technology, reported uses for these technologies and the business types that tend to use them.
  • The top three current challenges and future priorities that are being reported by B2B pricing departments.
  • How pricing pressure is currently perceived and which companies tend to feel that the pressure is decreasing.

This research is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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