
Subscriber-Only Expert Interview

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Closing the Costly Skills Gap in Sales Negotiations

Exploring the Latest Methods and Innovations in Negotiation Training for Salespeople

At the PricingBrew Journal, we've been sounding the alarm for many months about a significant "gap" in sales skills that is no doubt costing companies millions in revenue and profit. To recap, our research has found that most professional buyers have received formal and specialized training in the art and science of effective negotiation. In sharp contrast, however, we've also discovered that most professional sellers have received little or no specialized training in negotiation. Given this tremendous mismatch in negotiation skills, it's not surprising how so many salespeople end up leaving piles of money on the table. To discuss the latest methods and innovations around closing this costly negotiation skills gap, Jason Levinson agreed to join us for an Expert Interview. In addition to being the Director of Content Development for a leading negotiation training firm, Jason has years of experience as a negotiation instructor.

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