
Subscriber-Only Expert Interview

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Finding Your Path Toward Pricing Improvement

An Insightful Conversation with Andre Weber of Simon-Kucher & Partners About Pricing Improvement in B2B

You can't put your finger on it, but you just know that something's wrong with your pricing. What do you do? In this expert interview, we talk to Andre Weber of Simon-Kucher Partners about the pricing problems he typically encounters and how companies can overcome them.

  • The most common pricing problems and issues that B2B companies are struggling with today.
  • The really important aspect of win-loss data and why you should get past the excuses for not collecting it.
  • The types of human resources you should be looking for when building a pricing organization or function.
  • The psychological benefits of creating price-value options and stratifying your spread of offerings.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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