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Pricing Pilot Programs

Leveraging Pilot Programs and In-Market Trials to Accelerate Progress

Companies are wired to resist change, avoid risk, and maintain the status quo. Fundamentally, that's what your existing systems, processes, policies, and procedures are all designed to do. And when the topic turns to modifying or even...gasp!...replacing existing pricing processes and procedures, these dynamics are only amplified. So how do you get your company to accept new pricing approaches and structures? How do you minimize the perceived risks? And selfishly, how do you maximize your own odds of success? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Designing and scoping an in-market trial or pilot to align to your initiatives' primary aims.
  • How to position and pitch your pilot program internally, while setting proper expectations.
  • Establishing the right mix of qualitative and quantitative impact measures and metrics.
  • Planning strategies and considerations for effective post-pilot expansion and rollout.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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