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Working With the C-Suite to Improve Pricing

Veteran Pricing Professional Lydia DiLiello on How to Work More Effectively with the Executive Management Team

A common refrain amongst B2B pricing people is that their executive management just doesn't get it. And as a result, the C-suite doesn't provide the level of support for pricing improvement that is warranted. In this conversation with Lydia DiLiello, a pricing practitioner with decades of experience, you will learn about:

  • How executive management tends to view pricing in the overall scheme of things and in-relation to other issues.
  • Using better ways to package and present your pricing information and proposals to executive management.
  • How to minimize perceived risks around your pricing recommendations and make it easy for execs to say "yes".
  • Developing the "soft" skills that can make you more effective and help you avoid getting typecast as an analyst.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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