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Being Fearless When Facing Procurement

Chris Provines, the Author of Selling to Procurement, Reveals the Goals, Motivations, and Tactics of Today's Purchasing Professionals

Just the hint that Procurement might be getting involved in a deal can cause even the most seasoned sales professionals to start calculating discounts and extending forecast timelines. In this recorded and transcribed interview with Chris Provines, the CEO of Value Vantage Partners and the author of Selling to Procurement, you will learn about:

  • The underlying business and market dynamics that have led to a massive boost in procurement's power and influence.
  • How understanding your opponent's motivations and goals can reduce the fear and uncertainty in your dealings.
  • The common tactics that purchasing professionals will use and how to prepare your team to handle them effectively.
  • How procurement's goals and your sales quotas are destined to collide in the future and put even more pressure on margins.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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