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Creating & Managing a Pricing Governance Team

Embrace the Inter-Connected Nature of Pricing in a B2B Environment by Giving Stakeholders a Voice

In B2B, pricing is often the culmination of a bunch of decisions, made by a bunch of different groups across the company...for better or worse. One solution that's gaining popularity for coordinating these groups is the creation of a pricing governance team. In this guide, you'll learn:

  • What a pricing governance team is and why this type of organization structure can be so effective.
  • What a the governance team is responsible for...and, just as importantly, what they're not responsible for.
  • The four key steps to follow in order to build a pricing governance team in your own organization.
  • The three-part structure that can help you effectively manage a productive pricing governance process.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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