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The Fundamentals of Pricing Intelligence

Learn the Signals That Help You Price More Effectively Now and In the Future

The opacity of pricing in B2B environments leads many practitioners to conclude that there isn't a whole lot they can do with respect to intelligence gathering. As a result, they often feel like they're flying blind and making decisions in a vacuum. In reality, however, there are actually many sources of valuable pricing intelligence that B2B pricers can leverage to their advantage. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The types of pricing intelligence that are extremely valuable...and which are a complete waste of time.
  • How to design and implement efficient systems for tapping into sources of valuable intelligence.
  • Why the conventional wisdom in this area only scratches the surface...and can often lead to disaster.
  • How to determine appropriate and timely responses to what your pricing intelligence is telling you.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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