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Identifying Three Types of Customer Defection

Take Action Before It's Too Late by Learning the Early Signs of Three Costly Types of Customer Defection

In most B2B markets, customer retention is not just a big's an existential issue. Your ability to stave-off defections and retain good customers will often determine whether or not your company is going to succeed or fail. In this video session, you will learn:

  • Why the signs of customer defection and churn are so difficult to spot in B2B environments.
  • Your odds of turning the retention issues around... when you can spot them early enough.
  • Three types of defection and churn that can be identified... when you know exactly what to look for.
  • What your sales team should be doing with the resulting defection alerts and retention red flags.

This diagnostic is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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