
Subscriber-Only Diagnostic

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Preventing Bad Deals Before They Happen

Learn How to Diagnose and Address the True Root-Causes Behind Bad Deals

Thanks to analytical toolsets, it's easier than ever to discover deals that weren't priced properly. But after-the-fact corrective actions do little to prevent bad deals from happening again. Stop treating the symptoms and focus on the true causes instead. In this diagnostic, you will learn:

  • The three powerful reasons why focusing on prevention is so much more effective in B2B pricing.
  • How to think more like a doctor or private eye and investigate to get to the bottom of of the real issues.
  • What to do when you discover that the root causes to a major problem reside outside of your direct control.
  • How to use the straightforward “Five Whys” diagnostic approach to drill down to the real root causes.

This diagnostic is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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