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Pricing Effectively for Customer Lifetime Value

How to Balance Pricing Performance and Customer Profitability

In B2B markets, retaining good customers and getting them to buy more and more over time has always been essential for survival. And for certain types of businesses...SaaS companies, for example...the business model itself hinges on the lifetime value of the customers. So how do you price effectively when today's business is just a small part of much greater whole? And how do you avoid making concessions in the interest of value that never materializes? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The principles and aspects of customer lifetime value that pricers really need to understand.
  • Five pricing mistakes to avoid when looking to improve customer profitability and lifetime value.
  • Considerations for including customer lifetime value differences in your pricing structures.
  • Insights and tips for balancing short-term pricing performance and long-term profitability.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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